Our Facilities

Downs View School

Downs View Link College
We have a wide variety of facilities at our School and College sites. At both sites, we have food technology and sensory rooms, gym and ICT equipment and outdoor areas. At our School site in Woodingdean, we have an indoor hydrotherapy pool, two large hall spaces, an adventure playground, a forest school, a music room and a library. All of our students at both the School and Link College have access to these facilities as well as five minibuses to take our students between sites, educational visits and trips.

Sensory Rooms
Our sensory rooms are designed to create a stimulating and yet calming atmosphere. The rooms include a range of equipment including: light projectors, bubble tube, mirror balls, fibre optic sprays, UV tactile boards and infinity mirror. All of the equipment is designed to help pupils improve their visual, auditory and tactile processing, as well as fine and gross motor skills.

Forest School
The Forest School is an ongoing and developing project at Downs View School and offers pupils opportunities to develop confidence, social skills, communication and more through interacting with nature.
Classes have been exploring the change in seasons by spending time outdoors experiencing the different smells, sounds, touches and sights. As well as developing their numeracy and literacy skills while also using the natural materials to make arts and crafts items.

Hydrotherapy Pool
Our indoor hydrotherapy swimming pool at the School allows pupils of all ages and abilities to gain water confidence, exercise, relax and learn how to swim.
The pool depth is 0.9m -1.5m, is 12m x 6m and is heated to approximately 31-34°C. A dipper hoist with chair and ceiling track hoist is available for users who need assistance with getting in and out of the pool.
Staff who lead sessions are fully qualified Pool Rescuers and First Aiders.

Music Room
Music is a fundamental tool to support the learners at Downs View and builds the pupil’s confidence, creativity and communication. The music room at the School provides an opportunity for group music lessons, one-to-one sessions and music exploration. The lessons can be individualised to develop a holistic approach to learning and also encourage different forms of music making that provides a sense of group identity through peer collaboration.
The wide range of instruments and equipment provides a great opportunity for the pupils to explore and contribute to an inclusive musical environment. The music room will further promote the love for music that a large population of our pupils seek.

Soft Room
This room is a safe space where pupils can explore independently. Many pupils use it to develop gross motor skills such as balance and coordination.

Adventure Playground
Our fully accessible playground at the School encourages pupils to explore outdoor play and develop positive relationships with one another. This was completely redeveloped in Summer 2023 and now includes a specialist swing for our wheelchair users.

Outdoor Gym Equipment
Our gym equipment at the School and College is suitable for all pupils to exercise on, as well as being ideal for PE lessons to help to promote a healthier lifestyle. These outdoor exercises are fun as well as building up balance, confidence and co-ordination.

The School and Link College have a fleet of 5 minibuses which are used for educational visits and school trips. All buses are fitted with inertia seat belts and have hydraulic tail lifts, enabling easy access for pupils in wheelchairs.

Food Technology
Both sites have their own food technology room which provides a space for pupils to explore their creativity and become confident in the kitchen. It’s here they can learn different cooking processes, choose and prepare ingredients, use kitchen equipment, as well as the importance of healthy eating.
The food technology room at college is also fully equipped with washing machine and dryer and teaches daily living skills such as hygiene, cooking and laundry to help provide real-life experiences in a supportive environment.

We have two large hall spaces at the school, both with wooden floor, projector and sound facilities, movable gym equipment, soft play and a range of sports equipment.

We have a designated library area at the School which hosts a huge array of fiction and non-fiction books to enjoy and supplement class learning.

All classes have a smart TV and interactive screen which is used extensively for teaching and learning. iPads, a number of laptops and standalone computers are also available so that pupils have easy access to IT equipment when they need it.