Our Governors

Our Governing Body is made up of members elected from the Local Authority, the School staff, the parents and the community. All governors attend the Full Governing Board meetings. The Full Governing Board meets five times a year, and the Finance Committee meets three times a year.

Click here to see the dates for all of our meetings.

If you would like further details of the governor meetings, FGB minutes or attendance details, please contact Michelle McCann, Senior Clerk to governors on michellemccann@downsview.brighton-hove.sch.uk

Governor Details

The governing body is currently made up of 10 members:

  • The Executive Headteacher
  • Parent governors
  • Staff governors
  • Co-opted community governors appointed by the governing body

Click here for the Instrument of Governance document


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Board Members and Terms of Office

Click here for details of our Governing Board

The role of the Governors

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding the Executive Headteacher to account for the educational purposes of the school/college and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school/college and making sure that money is well spent
  • Monitoring Health and Safety
  • Approving policies 

In addition to the above our governors also participate in interviews and sit on appeal panels.

Many of our governors have said that they have gained valuable experiences from working with us and being a governor means that they have the satisfaction of knowing that they have made a real difference to the development of children, young people, the school/college and the community.

Please contact our clerk to governors Michelle McCann on michellemccann@downsview.brighton-hove.sch.uk if you are interested in becoming a governor or need further information.


Respect Aspiration Resilience

An aspirational learning environment with dignity and respect at its core, where everyone reaches their potential through effective communication, building resilience and having fun.