
We provide all pupils with a curriculum that

  • Is balanced and broadly based
  • Prepares pupils for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of real life
  • Promotes the pupils’ spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development

Pupils at the school follow an adapted National Curriculum at their own level which may be outside their chronological Key Stage or Year.  We ensure the curriculum is relevant and fun and includes as much practical activity as possible in the form of visits and special days and activities in school.

Pupils at the college follow a curriculum based around core skills which supports them to prepare for adulthood and independence. 

Pupils are taught in small classes which are sometimes split into smaller groups for activities.

Lessons are differentiated to allow for personalised learning and to cover the range of ability in each class. 

As a special school all our staff are experienced and creative in making learning accessible and meaningful, with scaffolding for communication and recording built into our practice.  Repetition and breaking down learning into small steps is integral to our practice. 

Please click here to read our Curriculum Statement.

Please click here to read about Phonics and Early Reading at Downs View

Respect Aspiration Resilience

An aspirational learning environment with dignity and respect at its core, where everyone reaches their potential through effective communication, building resilience and having fun.