Attendance is the essential foundation to positive outcomes for all pupils and therefore is both the responsibility of parent/carers and school.
Sometimes your child will be ill, or will find it harder to attend school, and so we will work with you and your child to put the right support in place.
We want excellent attendance for every pupil. At all stages of improving attendance, we work with pupils, learners and parents to remove any barriers by building strong and trusting relationships and working together to put the right support in place, at the right time.
If your child or young person is poorly or has a medical appointment today, please call the office and leave a message explaining why. You need to call in every day that your child or young person is off school or college, before 8.00 on the morning that they are off school or college. It is important that you do this so that we can arrange safe staffing levels for every class. The details for reporting absences are:
Downs View School: 01273 601680 or please email
Downs View Link College: 01273 507719
If you wish to take your child out of school/college during term time then a Leave of Absence form needs to be completed. Leave of absence should only be requested in exceptional or unavoidable circumstances. The forms are available from the school/college office or your class teacher. It is important that the form is completed to avoid any unauthorised absences.
If your child is going to be absent from school/college then you must also contact the Home to School Transport team on 01273 293501 to let them know that their service is not required. It is not the school/college’s responsibility to do this.