
Our school’s uniform

We want all pupils attending Downs View School and college to feel comfortable and secure in their surroundings so pupils do not have to wear school uniform. We recognise that some pupils prefer to wear a uniform so we do have a uniform that can be purchased for school age pupils.

If you would like to order uniform, please complete this form and hand in to reception or email it to office@downsview.brighton-hove.sch.uk.

Link to uniform costs and order form.

Link to our school uniform policy.

We are working with Pelican Parcels for families that are entitled to free school meals to receive pre-loved/new items including clothing, equipment and uniform for children aged 0-11.

Pelican parcels are also providing free non-branded school uniform, black school shoes and PE trainers to children accessing Free School Meals. If you would like support to receive uniform, clothing or equipment parcels,  contact, SarahDoonan@downsview.brighton-hove.sch.uk and be ready to provide the information needed to complete one of the referral forms below. 

We would like parents in recycling any pre loved Downs View uniform, by offering to other families. If you willing to set up a public Downs View uniform donate/sell/exchange page on Facebook, please contact Sarah.Doonan@brighton-hove.gov.uk

Respect Aspiration Resilience

An aspirational learning environment with dignity and respect at its core, where everyone reaches their potential through effective communication, building resilience and having fun.