Safeguarding Commitment
At Downs View we strive to be a place where learners, staff, volunteers, families and other visitors will be made welcome and comfortable and where we treat each other with respect.
We believe that all children, young people and young adults have the right to protection from neglect and abuse and that their welfare is of paramount importance. Downs View is a place where learning and personal development happens in a climate of trust and confidence and where we value everyone’s unique contribution to our community.
Everyone has a responsibility for safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, young people and young adults, and for ensuring that they are protected from harm.
We recognise that children and young adults with special educational needs and disabilities are more vulnerable to abuse, and may be less able to tell people about abuse happening to them.
It is essential that rigorous procedures are in place, especially with regard to recruitment checks on volunteers and paid workers, whistle blowing policies, and having clear guidelines setting out acceptable behaviour by those working with our learners, as set out in our Staff Code of Conduct.
We expect staff to advocate for our students and assist them in putting forward their views. That staff are vigilant and demonstrate professional curiosity, to notice when things are troubling our students. That our students are heard and understood; and to have that understanding acted upon. That staff develop stable relationships of trust with each other, students, parent and carers.

Downs View is committed to safeguarding, and promoting the welfare of all of our learners and families. We recognise that in an ever changing and fast-moving world it is essential that we promote learners’ well-being, confidence and resilience, and that we provide them with up to date and age and stage appropriate information and signpost them and their families to places where they can find support, where necessary.
All staff and volunteers working at the School, Link College and Life Skills College Sites have a duty to ensure that children, young people and young adults are safe and protected and, if there are any concerns relating to their welfare or safety, the Headteacher or one of the Designated Safeguarding Leads will be alerted and if needed, may refer to Social Care via Front Door for Families.
The Designated Safeguarding Leads (DSL) for Downs View are:
DVS Jackie Hutchings and Sarah Doonan
DVLC Juliet Hudson
DVLSC Raul Ortiz
We will always work in partnership with families. Where there is conflict between the needs of the learner and those of parents/carers or professionals, the needs of the learner must come first. In this instance a useful contact is Brighton and Hove Safeguarding Children Partnership BHSCP
Operation Encompass (
Downs View participates in Operation Encompass, a national scheme that operates jointly between schools and all police forces, which informs schools of any incidence of domestic violence where the police have visited the learner’s house.
We receive notification from police of domestic abuse incidents involving children (incidents in which a child was present, ordinarily resides at the incident location or with an involved party); our participation is publicised on our website.
It allows us to better understand the child when they arrive in the morning.
We accept that the behaviour of a child or young adult in these circumstances may range from that which is perceived to be normal to aggressive or withdrawn. We understand the need to work in a trauma-informed way with these children, young adults and their families.
For more information, please refer to Downs View Safeguarding policy. If parents /carers have any concerns please contact the DSL on site.
Downs View School: Jackie Hutchings 01273 601680
Downs View Link College: Juliet Hudson 01273 507719
Downs View Life Skills College: Raul Ortiz 01273 551028